Coronavirus soon: West Virginia calls on citizens to win guns with Covid-19 rifles

West Virginia offers vaccinated people the opportunity to win guns as part of a lottery aimed at promoting vaccination in the state.
Jim Justice, the governor-general, has announced a number of prizes for the prestigious West Virginia publicity event that would be required to host the first state lottery, to be held on June 20, Father’s Day and the state’s 158th birthday.
Citizens who have had a single Covid-19 vaccine will have a chance of winning one in five guns or one in five guns, Justice said at a press conference Tuesday.
Other prizes scheduled for June 20 include two pickup trucks, five fishing and fishing licenses and 25 trips over the weekend to West Virginia state parks.
The release of the June 20 wallet is a vanilla prize of $ 1m in cash and two full tuition at each West Virginia institution for people between the ages of 12 and 25. will be given.
Following the initial recording, the government plans to pay $ 1 a week for five consecutive weeks. The final draw will take place on August 4, with a grand prize of $ 1.588m for one vaccinated individual and $ 588,000 for the finalist. (The money reflects the government’s “Beat 588 Bad” campaign, which represents 588,000 West Virginians who say they did not want to be vaccinated.)
“When we chase people to the end it really saves our lives. That’s all there is to it, “Justice said.” If the tab just keeps using the cost it’s huge. The hospitals are huge. We have to get all our parents to the end. “
Justice was one of the first governors to consider ways to promote vaccines. A plan for vaccinated individuals between the ages of 16 and 35 to receive a $ 100 bond, a change in the scheme, which was first unveiled at the end of April, was announced last week.
West Virginia has provided a single vaccine for the Covid-19 vaccine to 40.6% of its residents, according to a May 30 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is ranked 42nd among US countries and comprises almost the entire country of 50.5%.
The government is at 39 in the US with 34 percent of all people fully vaccinated, compared to the global average of 40.7 percent.
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