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Clubhouse will make its Android app available worldwide for one week


Clubhouse premises a new Android app soon it will be easier to find. Products reports The clubhouse will make the Android voice app available worldwide in a week’s time. It will arrive in Brazil, Japan and Russia on May 18, with India and Nigeria appearing for the first time in three days. Everyone around the world will have the opportunity to arrive on the evening of May 21st.

The launch began testing the beta version of its Android app in the US on May 9th, just months after it started to grow. The iPhone release has been available since March 2020.

There is a strong incentive for Clubhouse to grow rapidly, even though its Android app is still experimenting. Facebook, Twitter and other online giants are launching things like Clubhouse to support the app and keep users on social networks. This could lead to new users entering the Clubhouse where they may be tempted to follow social networking sites.

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