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Chrome 90 allows you to share previewed text links


Google said so started coming out Chrome 90 interface, which can help you to create a link that takes people directly to the section of the page you reviewed. Technician first he found possibility added last year – since it is now a part of Chrome itself, you do not need to add any additional features to use it again.

If you want to say, point people to another part of the Wikipedia page on penguins that talk about how they are not afraid of people, then all you have to do is show the words, right click and select “Copy link to show.” You can post this link, which end with #, to anyone you want. When the page is full, it will take them to that section instead of climbing to the top of the Wikipedia article.

The feature can be very useful for students and colleagues, or even for anyone who enjoys sharing things with friends. It’s already going to the desktop with Android tools, but you may have to wait a bit to get there. The release of this page has not yet taken place, and we do not see it even if we change it to Chrome 90. Regarding iOS users, Google says “Copy link to highlight” is “soon” on the platform.

Google has also launched a PDF browsing software, which introduces two pages and a new tool that allows you to move, skip a page, save and print with a single click. Chrome product manager Kayce Hawkins about how the Chrome team reduces the use of browsers’ CPU, as well, and reveals that the cool tab for crashed groups will be available soon. Once the image is started, the dashed or hidden tabs do not use a bit of memory and CPU.

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