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Can Sony restore its former glory?


Photo Gallery: Chris Velazco / Engadget

In fact, Sony has been working hard to transform its business since the tragic years of 2000. Howard Stringer, the company The first English-speaking CEO, tried to bring other Western cultural managers to a Japanese company. But it wasn’t enough to help Sony deal with the financial crisis in 2008, or deal with the rise of new consumers like Samsung and other low-cost competitors. Kazuo Hirai, a former PlayStation leader who She took over the CEO’s outfit in 2012, was replaced by layoffs and cost-cutting measures (such as leaving the original PC) to establish the company. He completed its goal in 2018, while Sony was able to point out a huge profit, and announced his immediate retirement.

Kenichiro Yoshida, a former Sony CEO and current CEO, also helped the company recover. But for Sony to regain its former glory, it must do more than survive: It must find a way to start over.

Sony may try to mimic a successful competitor like Samsung, but it can be challenging, according to Ross Rubin, senior researcher at Reticle Research. “It’s very difficult to compete with Samsung because of their large advertising budget, their big reputation, the relationships they have, and the shopping spaces that are (far away) from Apple’s second-largest,” he said. Another good option would be to follow Microsoft’s approach to the cloud, which focuses on professional users and straightforward markets (e.g., offering what several companies can use).

This is exactly what Sony is already doing with its camera business, but according to Rubin the company could do the following: “The future of digital sensors is bright as we see this go to all kinds of devices. VR is a slow release, tools like Oculus Quest 2 prove that it is possible to make them cheap and easy to use. And all eyes are on Apple as it follows a way to see reality.

AR glasses have the potential to be as deeply grounded as the iPhone. In addition, mobile phones install supercomputers connected to our pockets; ARs that just move most of our phones as far as we can see. (You can just hear the advertisers flipping through the ideas.) According to Technavio report, the real real market could grow by $ 77 billion by 2024. But obviously, it is the best result we think we will see in AR success.

Given the potential for greater fulfillment, it may be wise for Sony to ensure that it can introduce the group to others. But given the nature of the PSVR (and how it promises its following looks), It is not hard to imagine that Sony also has a shot in the making of its AR glasses. In order to compete in this type of arena, as well as to avoid past mistakes, Sony must match Apple’s software and user experience. It’s a tough thing for an older company to learn overnight. I can’t think of any more companies that Sony could partner with (Google has its limitations in using consumer tools). The only real solution is for Sony to search the bottom line, to look for new developers, and to address their shortcomings directly.

It doesn’t mean that Sony is afraid to enter the new technology with boldness either. It is not possible to make a show in a country controlled by Apple, Samsung and Google. Zake the electric car looks good, but will this lead to anything other than Sony being just a piece of automotive technology? Who needs those badly dressed speakers? Will the music producers intervene 360 Real Audio? And can we all agree on that Aibo is just a toy for rich kids? The real key to innovation is figuring out what new ideas can change the way we live as Walkman.

Sony is well aware of what is going on right now. The company set up New Department of Natural Resources for Sale in 2014, with the aim of speeding up new design innovations. But this led to things that did not go away, such as You have a smartwatch and Drone spray. Again, all of these are examples of jumping into existing markets with little or no expansion. In 2016, Sony he pushed the pen inside who accept feedback from everyone in the company, but that hasn’t been much so far.

Ideally, Sony’s best choice would be a professional look, as Rubin points out. This only makes sense when you look at the company’s existing history. But I also hope that Sony will be able to take a page from Microsoft and increase the potential that can be achieved in the production of commercial products, such as Surface PCs. The devices weren’t always good, but they pushed the PC world to focus on new graphics, such as moving tablets and moving screens. It may not be possible for Sony to re-use their Walkman skills, but they do have the opportunity to remind the world of why technology is so important in Spider-Man video games.

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