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Apple launches its affiliate program before launching the podcast


Last month, Apple announced it would begin allowing podcast makers and publishers to contribute high subscription for their audience. Prior to its launch this month, the company is expanding its Services Performance Partner program to see also podcasts (via Products). The affiliate program offers students the opportunity to earn 50% Commission if they turn someone into a paid recipient.

This is how it works. Say, after connecting to an Apple connector, someone subscribes to a subscription that costs $ 10 per month. The person or organization connected to this site will receive a $ 5 fee once the user pays the first month of payment. Apple will not force the committee, and it applies to all subscribers.

The program of the program is open for everyone in the 170 countries where Apple will offer podcast funding later this month, but being a partner needs to be approved by the company. Apple suggests it is very sensible for podcast makers and publishers to participate. They can use the links they have to earn extra money from their products (and more reduced by 30 percent, and then 15% cut, Apple will take from paid podcast subscriptions). Each student will receive an affiliate link that they can add to their Apple Podcasts URL. In addition, tokens work with third-party broker-dealer services and create visuals for manufacturers to track their costs.

It may seem strange for Apple to set up a social network before signing up for a premium podcast. However, it is one of the things that helps to have a first date to encourage manufacturers to submit subscriptions first.

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