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Apple has redesigned AirTags to deal with on-going issues


Apple has upgraded AirTags to address privacy issues involving Bluetooth monitors. With these changes, Apple is shortening the time that AirTag can be isolated from its owner without making noise.

“Following our commitment to continue to improve the privacy and security of AirTag, from today we will redefine the time when the AirTag that was separated from its owner will play when the noise is moved,” an Apple spokesman said in a statement. “This time is changing from three days to a fixed time between 8 and 24 hours.”

This may sound like a small change, but it is important to address the concerns that Apple has not done enough to prevent AirTags from being used recklessly. The Washington Post that the window of the past three days was “extremely easy” for those who would follow him to follow the victim for several days before receiving a warning that AirTag had been secretly placed in their possession.

To address privacy issues, Apple is also developing an Android app that can help users find “AirTag or Find My Networking Tools that may not be the same as the owner’s who may be traveling with a user.” Most importantly, it doesn’t make sense that the app is designed for Android users with AirTags functionality, but it does give non-iPhone owners a way to search for unwanted trackers. On the one hand, this still puts a chance for those who would follow him to download a new app and check out AirTag, which seems impossible. On the other hand, it appears that Apple responds to privacy concerns, and is open to promoting existing ones. .

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