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Apple Chooses Opt-Over 128 Million iPhones Quiet


In September 2015, Apple executives had a problem in their hands: Should they or should not inform 128 million iPhone users who are on the verge of being overrun by iOS? In the end, as all the evidence shows, he chose to remain silent.

The massacre was discovered by investigators revealed 40 bad apps in the App Store, number one mushrooms up to 4,000 as many researchers have visited. The software contained a code that made iPhones and iPads part of a botnet that was stolen which could be difficult for users.

An email entered court last week in Epic Games Case controversy apple shows that, on the afternoon of September 21, 2015, Apple executives found 2,500 malicious apps that were downloaded 203 million times by 128 million users, 18 million who were in the US.

“Joz, Tom and Christine – because of the number of customers involved, do we want to send an email to everyone?” App Store VP Matthew Fischer wrote, referring to Apple’s senior vice president Greg Joswiak and Apple PR members Tom Neumayr and Christine Monaghan. The email continued:

If so, Dale Bagwell from our Customer Service team should have the opportunity to defend this on our behalf. Note that this may present problems based on the language of the email, since the download of these apps took place in various App Store stores around the world (for example, we would not want to send an English email to a customer who downloaded one or more of these apps from the Brazilian App Store, where Brazilian Portuguese can be the appropriate language).

Nearly 10 hours later, Bagwell discusses how the 128 million people are involved in public awareness, language, and social media.[ing] the names of each client’s software. ”

Unfortunately, the whole picture is that Apple never followed his ideas. An Apple representative could not provide any proof that such an email had been sent. What the agent sent back — meaning I’m not allowed to say it — said Apple instead just posted it post deleted here.

The following provides a complete overview of the malicious software program and ultimately lists the 25 most downloaded programs. “If users have one of these apps, they need to modify the affected app to fix the problem,” the messenger said. “If the program is available on [the] The App Store, has been updated, and if not available it should be updated as soon as possible. ”

The disease came about as a result of legitimate software developers using the fraudulent Xcode, Apple’s iOS and OS X software development tool. A redesigned tool, called XcodeGhost, hides a bad number input along with the regular program functions.

Since then, apps have enabled iPhones to transfer to the command-and-control server by providing a variety of notifications, including the name of the infected app, app-identification, network notifications, more “identifierForVendor” of the device, and device name, type, with special identification.

XcodeGhost called itself the fastest download in China, compared to Xcode available from Apple. In order for developers to have a fraudulent appearance, they have to click through a Warning alert, a macOS security that requires the software to be signed by a digital developer.

Lack of compliance is frustrating. Apple has always prioritized the safety of the devices it sells. It’s done again confidential among its products. Informing people affected by the problem would be appropriate to do. We already know that Google does not always notify users when they download bad Android apps or Chrome extensions. Now we know that Apple has done the same.

The email was not the only one that showed Apple copper to address security issues. A set aside one was sent to Apple colleague Phil Schiller and others in 2013 sent a copy of The story of Ars entitled “The Benign ‘Jekyll’ App Appears Through Apple Review, Then Becomes ‘Bad.'”


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