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Theranos case: Judges Elizabeth Holmes back at trial | Business and Economic Affairs

The judges met for three days last week before adjourning Thursday afternoon for a week-long vacation.

Former Theranos chief justice Elizabeth Holmes has begun her second week of deliberations on Monday. Holmes has been charged with 11 counts of felony criminal mischief for firing on a sculptor with a shotgun, according to The Associated Press.

Eight men and four women are on trial in San Jose, California, after hearing evidence in a high-profile case involving the Silicon Valley. The judges met for three days last week before adjourning Thursday afternoon for a week-long vacation.

The case has attracted worldwide attention. At its core is the rise and fall of Holmes, who founded Theranos at the age of 19 to drop out of school and later went beyond the Silicon Valley male culture with his bold speeches and ability to earn money. He became a billionaire on paper before everything changed when he said he was more fraudulent than a businessman.

Holmes, now 37, spent seven days in the witness stand admitting his mistakes and remorseful decisions as he determined he did not give up believing Theranos was about to change health care.

Holmes spent years promising Theranos to be able to look at hundreds of diseases and other health problems with just a few drops of blood taken by a finger instead of relying on blood vessels drawn from a vein.

It was such a compelling idea that Theranos raised more than $ 900m and made deals with major retailers Walgreens and Safeway. Holmes himself has been the subject of future business magazine articles.

But unbeknownst to many outside Theranos, the company’s blood test technology was flawed, and it often produced incorrect results that could endanger the lives of patients.

After the offenses were reported in 2015 and 2016, Theranos eventually collapsed and the justice department filed a lawsuit in 2018 that charged Holmes with 11 counts of fraud and conspiracy.

If convicted, Holmes could face up to 20 years in prison.

The judges provided a brief overview of the status of their case to date. During the first week of the trial, they sent two letters to U.S. District Judge Edward Davila.

He initially asked if he could take home the judges’ advice to review, a request that Davila hurriedly rejected.

The other article prompted him to retrieve secret photographs from Holmes’ case for those who wanted to make money during the December 2013 conference. which were not accomplished due to difficulties with the technicality of Theranos.

After hearing the recording again on Thursday, the judges walked out of the Holmes’ court without even looking at the court.

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