A former Netflix CTO former guilty of accepting bribes
Back in 2014, Netflix sued former CTO, Michael Kail, accusing him of taking bribes before leaving the company to join Yahoo (in 2016 Yahoo merged with AOL to create Oath, the parent company of Engadget before it was bought by Verizon). He was later charged with embezzling $ 690,000 in limited resources from technology companies affiliated with Netflix, which the company said were disclosed based on emails in his business account.
Former Netflix CEO Accused of Bribery and Evil From Netflix Partnershttps://t.co/C2EEPcG1r4
– US NDCA Attorney General (@USAO_NDCA) May 1, 2021
The case was postponed due to the COVID epidemic, but on Friday prosecutors have convicted Kail of 28 counts of felony criminal mischief. In his words to BloombergKail’s attorney, who declared himself innocent, criticized Netflix for using his powers as a powerful law firm and said there had been a request. At the time of trial, Rule360 he said his defense also claimed that the agreements were made because of Netflix’s “no rules” culture, and said it was legitimate.
According to FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig D. Fair, Kail “set up a pay center where he stole the opportunity to work with the company’s pioneer from honest, hardworking, Silicon Valley companies.” Mu word of mouth, disrupted Kail’s corporate pay, and what he paid with Netflix. He is said to have received more than $ 500,000 as well as store selections from companies.
Netflix has not commented publicly on its findings, but in 2014 it said various affected retailers were paid more than $ 4 million, while Kail receives 12 to 15% commissions from two companies. Netflix and Kail have filed a lawsuit in 2015. They are still on bail pending sentencing, and could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine. Regardless of the cause in which the judgment is rendered or in the past, between these and the latter $ 690 million Ponzi scheme, Netflix is developing its own library of virtual reality content.
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