Business News

‘Woke capitalists’ drew outrage from those who held the US


Why, a stakeholder interviewed at Goldman Sachs’ annual general meeting last month, did the bank support the Marxists against the principles of capitalism that made it so powerful? Was their group taken over by the “far left group”?

David Solomon, Goldman’s chief executive, responded similarly to questions to explain why had entered hundreds of colleagues on controversial laws that make it difficult for voters to vote, and the meeting went ahead.

But the change completely changed American politics as senior officials who suffered on the left as taxpayers who contribute to instability and environmental degradation find themselves attacking from the right as “capitalists rise”.

Reckless retaliation against corporate practices to 2020 election, Voting wars, racist demonstrations and some of the American divisions are most evident in the shareholders’ meetings as well as in Congress and the press.

A legitimate group called Consumers Research this week announced a $ 1m-plus advertising campaign for companies that, he says, were “putting a policy of self-defense into consumer interests”.

Its two targets, American Airlines are Coke, criticized Republican voting laws in Texas and Georgia, while a third, Nike, was outraged by support for athletes protesting against police brutality.

“What we are seeing is growing more and more companies are trying to address their shortcomings by making themselves political,” said Will Hild, chief executive of the group: “You have seen them participate in laws that are not in line with their business.

Some of the kings threatened by BlackRock are Larry Fink, Brian Moynihan of Bank of America and Marc Benioff of Salesforce.

The three men, who together earned more than $ 77 million last year, were named “CEO on the left” by the Free Enterprise Project, a shareholding support group, which issued a report this month advising investors to vote against “.

That freedom had already been lost in colleges, Hollywood and many retail outlets but now saw the business “go left”, says Justin Danhof, the project manager.

The senior leaders were responding to a bold group of “smart workers” and their working groups “crazy madmen,” he said, while “if you are a traditional American, you are silent at work”.

The Free Enterprise Project has won fewer shares, he acknowledged, but some of the spending has also increased even though large-scale fund managers are making progress. environment, culture and leadership-to set up funds.

A group called 2Vote Advisers he was told The Wall Street Journal this week reported that its two exchange rates for “non-traders” had risen from $ 6m to $ 25m a month. The American Conservative Values ​​ETF said it had tripled its assets over the course of the year.

Republican political leaders who favored lower taxes and removed them from the law and US business leaders have also changed.

Texas legislature threatened to ban banks that ban lending to firearms companies in state lawsuits, Texas movie Ted Cruz he complained last month: “For a long time, awakening CEOs have been good allies in the Republican Party.”

“It’s time to stand up for them,” said Josh Hawley, a Missouri senator from Cruz who, if Cruz was rejected by the donors, left immediately. distractions claims for election to President 2020 “There is a great upcoming turmoil,” was warned Florida Movie Rick Scott.

Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, traditionally allied with Republicans on labor and commerce, has found itself in the “future work of the rising industry” with Arkansas senator Tom Cotton after acceptance Democrats ’registration numbers last year.

Notes show consistent support in running the business. Tomorrow morning found that the proportion of Republicans who claim to rely on American companies dropped from 53% in October last to 39% last week, while Democrats now trust business.

This setback brings problems for employers who force their employees to think about difficult topics but are aware that the country’s cracks are going through their jobs.

“On a number of issues such as gun control and abortion, the business has been thriving to achieve this, but the line has shifted due to pressure from employees to force the company to commit violence,” said Richard Edelman, chief communications manager.

An Edelman poll this week found that businesses have become more politically motivated, with 59% of Americans believing that senior executives should oppose what they consider to be racist laws.

But companies need to avoid political “land mines”, says Edelman, advising monarchs to adhere to topics such as re-training where they have a clear responsibility.

Chris Kempczinski, McDonald’s chief executive, said this at the annual meeting on Thursday. The burger group did not take part, he said, but spoke of “where our words can be useful and where they go along with our business interests or the principles we represent”.

Even size trade agreement that it is a business practice to follow their principles, however, the managers do not seem to know how to take their actions.

When Fortune magazine asked Fortune 500 kings this month if they felt they had a responsibility to speak out financially or thought they were politically neutral, their answers were divided by 50:50.

Only 30 percent called themselves Republicans, compared to 47% said they were independent and 12 percent of Democrats.

“I think American companies are different from the Republican party a long time ago and the Republican party just realized,” Danhof said.


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