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When Database Comes to Explain Family


“Wrong: Unmarried Mother” appeared online when Riz, 30, began the process of renewing his Pakistani Computerized National ID (CNIC) National ID Card, a compulsory document that serves as a social security number, driver’s license, and passport were all wrapped up. Riz’s parents have been married for 31 years, but the barns are still divided; there was no way to go without this official check. Every trip to the registry office would end with a soldier saying, “Sorry, sir, computers aren’t allowed.”

Without the new CNIC, Riz would not be able to buy a bus ticket. In Pakistan, access to various services and services such as telecommunications, banking, health history, development, voting, and services have all been created based on having a National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) certified record.

Riz verification problem did not start due to system malfunction. The importance of having two married parents, on the other hand, is an example of the cultural concepts that are within the structure of Pakistan’s digital ID. It turned out that, in order not to take her husband’s family name, Riz’s mother had not changed her marriage to NADRA. In Pakistan analogy in the early 1990s, it passed without difficulty. Thirty years later, people’s hopes were dashed in custody, and Riz would not be able to get basic help unless the question about his mother’s family came back “TRUE.”

Riz ‘experience tells us a great story about how Pakistan decided to make its own digital ID machine. The system places everyone in the digital family environment. Digital families are built on established, ethical and legal relationships, and can be connected to other families through the same legal relationships. Every registrant is required to prove that he or she has blood or marriage with another certified Pakistani citizen. Marriages (legally recognized) form a bond between two families, and children (through marriage) form a lasting bond with the generations of both families.

Pakistan’s experience in creating interdisciplinary warehouses reveals valuable lessons in the challenges of building digital IDs. The structure of the database is not just a comparison. At each level, cultural, political, and technical decisions are intertwined.

In 1973, Pakistan was new from the war of independence; two years earlier, East Pakistan had become Bangladesh. Pakistan, having been affected by its sanctions, is now seeking “The total number of people in this country.” Parliament established an agency to provide each citizen with government-issued identification, demographic analysis, and enact laws governing citizenship.

Who counts as a citizen is a political question for any country, but especially for a country with a strained relationship with immigration. After the divisions between India and Pakistan in 1947, hundreds of thousands of people born in the Pakistani state moved to India, and vice versa. Citizenship laws have become a difficult dance in the midst of ensuring that the descendants of Pakistani immigrants receive citizenship but do not prioritize for future citizens to lodge complaints with the government. Citizenship was thus granted to those born in Pakistan after 1951, and to descendants of those who immigrated to Pakistan. kale 1951. (This later date was later changed to 1971 to coincide with the post-independence migration wave of Bangladesh). The known evidence, as a citizen, was connected to family and birth.


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