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What does this plague mean to Microsoft? A 44% skip profit


One thing we learned last year: the COVID-19 epidemic has been a menace to humans, but it is useful for many technology companies. It’s more true than ever at Microsoft, which announced an increase of 19 percent in third-quarter revenue ($ 41.7 billion), compared to last year. Surprisingly, the company’s profits jumped by 44 percent to $ 15.5 billion. Microsoft cut expectations from Wall Street experts, who say it will hit $ 41.05 billion in quarterly payments, according to Yahoo Finance.

Due to Microsoft’s success it is not difficult to identify. Information professionals rely more on the company’s cloud and digital services than ever before, which will not be delayed until they begin to return to office. .

“More than a year after the epidemic, digital curves were not delayed. It’s fast, and it’s just the beginning, ”Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a statement. “We are launching the cloud over the next 10 years, expanding our sustainable market and developing all the tools to help our customers become more resilient and flexible.”

There weren’t many problems at the company for the quarter. The Lake More Personal Computing platform, which includes Windows, Xbox and Surface devices, reached $ 13 billion (up 19 percent). And while Microsoft did not disclose the actual sales figures for the Xbox, it said sales of the console were up 232% compared to last year. No wonder there: Everyone is still struggling to find the Xbox Series X and S.

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