What a new vaccine passport in England could mean is a covid tech action

Luca Ferrari was very active in launching an Italian-linked program, Immuni, as CEO of the developer, Bending Spoons (the company is no longer running the project). Immunization was launched in June 2020, built on what Ferrari claims was about 30,000 hours of dedicated service – but managing communication between technology and government officials was difficult.
“Everyone we worked with [at the government] I was determined to help people, ”she says. “But a little ignorance of the most important things and goals made the head hurt a lot.”
For example, they say Immune requires that users who have pretended to be covid be in contact with a medical professional. But the departments were often too elaborate to deal with the demands – which is why the program was not as accredited as it originally expected.
He added that the government had allowed misleading information about the program’s credentials to grow – and waited for it to happen.
However, he says, the next step in the epidemic technology can be learned here from these studies, and future future medical interventions can also benefit: ”
Globally, Parker and his team at the Ada Lovelace Institute have been closely monitoring how digital vaccines are produced. Last week he published page 110 instruction report [pdf]. And while it is still too early to know how the NHS will work, it has “slowed down,” he says, “which I think is a good thing.”
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