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Western powers control Beijing’s anger after a G7 and Nato warning


For more than six weeks, Taiwanese military commanders have been wondering where Chinese warplanes have gone.

In May, only four entered the island aircraft safety identification area. In the first half of this month, there were only four days and nine days of incursions. This compares with the old version of 20 incursions per month.

But on June 15, less than a day after US President Joe Biden and other Nato leaders issued a statement condemning “the stated demands on China”. 20 PLA ​​fighter jets, four nuclear warheads and four other warplanes flew into Taiwan’s ADIZ. It was the largest aircraft sent by the People’s Liberation Army to the area, with some of them circling around the south-east and east coast of the island before returning.

A Taiwanese official said Beijing could not control himself after Nato spoke – and a G7 Summit a statement issued a few days ago – condemning Beijing’s actions in the Taiwan Strait and their attack on the Hong Kong democracy.

“Beijing wanted to reassure those in the West who are accusing China of threatening China,” he said, referring to the decline in military operations in May and early June. “But of course they could not go on. Once Taiwan gets a little help, they have to take action.”

Chinese analysts say Beijing has no choice but to show its determination as Biden’s management accelerates their efforts to build an “alliance” against China at the G7 and Nato summits – something Xi Jinping’s observers feared earlier but that he never had a body while Donald Trump was US President.

“The G7 and Nato have collapsed into anti-China platforms,” ​​said Victor Gao, a former Chinese ambassador to the Center for China and Globalization, a Beijing deputy commissioner. “There are a growing number of groups in China who believe that if the US wants to choose China as its main enemy, then the US should have an enemy.”

Beijing also responded when the G7 criticized its Hong Kong points and demonstrated power in the region, which recently eliminated itself. public memory of the 1989 Tiananmen Square assassination on Chinese soil. On Thursday morning, police arrested workers in a democracy Apple Daily newspaper stating that he is “collaborating with a foreign country or foreign affairs to undermine national security”.

A senior security official in Hong Kong later said the arrests were related to some of the more than 30 items published in the newspaper.

Beijing’s activities around Taiwan and Hong Kong have been plagued by lies. Zhao Lijian, a foreign minister and a Chinese diplomat Direct ambassadors, says the G7 “exposed the evil intentions of the US and a few other countries to create opposition and escalate tensions with China”.

“The US is sick,” added Zhao. “The G7 should take its power and give it medicine.”

Such comments appear to contradict recent guidelines from Xi, who said last month that state liars should “keep the word, be open and trustworthy and humble, humble and strive to create a credible, lovable and dignified image of China”.

Xi, however, also said that China had engaged in a “mass war against the masses” around the world. “Strong anti-Chinese forces in the West want to attack and insult China,” Lu Shaye, China’s ambassador to Paris, said last week in an interview with the government. “We have to work hard to protect our interests. Our greatest security and development cannot be compromised. ”

Yun Sun, a Chinese foreign specialist at the Stimson Center in Washington, said such remarks highlighted the dangers of Xi monitors. “There is a great deal of concern in Beijing that a coalition is working [and] it includes many things that China does not want to see such as Taiwan, maritime security and human rights, “said the Sun.” This is why we are seeing incredibly difficult responses from Beijing on the G7 and Nato. “

Hong Kong police blow out candles lit by activists in protest of the 1989 assassination of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Beijing responds to G7 rallying in Hong Kong and demonstrating power in the region © AP

“Germany, France and other EU countries are reluctant to meet China if [openly as] The US, “added Shi Yinhong, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, who advises the State Council on foreign policy.” But now he is closer to the United States when it comes to China. “

Chinese officials and some experts say that although Beijing will continue to respond strongly to criticism in Taiwan, Hong Kong or “other interests”, this will not hinder cooperation with the US on other issues such as climate change or tax reform around the world.

Fu Ying, a former Chinese ambassador to the UK, said at a recent meeting that Biden’s management wanted to “prevent China from replacing the US”. But, he added, “we believe [technological and economic] Competition can be run to ensure success, forcing each other to achieve development and cooperation. “

“Beijing should stand up for what is right and not be distracted by hatred against China,” Gao said. “Eventually China will have more wealth than the US – no one can change this. It’s time for China.”

Additional reports of Xinning Liu in Beijing


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