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Walmart provides GM-funded driving aids


Walmart is demonstrating its commitment to independent and innovative offerings money in the operating company itself Train. The two already have a good relationship, as they have worked together on pilot in Scottsdale, Arizona. Walmart was so impressed with the “Cruise-differentiated business, specialized technology and unparalleled driving experimentation” that it decided to participate in GM-funded $ 2.75 billion.

The investment will see Cruise become a key player for retailers in “end-of-mile delivery” – the company’s share in the final journey from warehouse to customer. Walmart has entered into a comprehensive partnership with a nonprofit return company with companies including Google Waymo, Ford and Udelv. Most bloodshed involves a few tests, but Walmart does not deny that autonomous vehicles have played a major role in the company.

“This money is a sign for us – it shows our commitment to bringing the benefits of self-driving cars to our customers and business,” Walmart CEO John Furner wrote in a blog post. “It’s not a question of if they will be exalted, but when. “

Walmart’s idea comes just months after the announcement of its members, Walmart Also, to compete with Amazon Prime. Both companies have it seer significant loss of profits during the epidemic that can be triggered by the production of multiple components of their system. Two too to try that control their large carbon footprint in investing eternal reproduction ships. It ensures that Cruise is committed to using all GM vehicles provided by GM in its network from the outset.

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