Business News

Toshiba chairman dropped the report that the government had committed corruption


Participants Toshiba have resigned from the company’s executive committee in a by-election that gave the country’s most famous names in an undisclosed location and introduced technical experts to Japan.

On Friday the idea of ​​shareholders to vote against Osamu Nagayama’s election as chair at the annual general meeting cited some of Toshiba’s most savings accountants as the inevitable result of the company’s failure to establish good governments.

Voting against the committee chairman was not the only thing very special in the corporate world where supervisors are unquestionably used, but it attracted them mainly because it brought down a well-known business leader.

The AGM followed the release this month of a independent report in the context of Toshiba’s 2020 annual conference. The report says the alliance between the company and the Japanese government is cracking down on militants.

In addition to disclosing the connection between Toshiba and Japan’s Ministry of Finance, Trade and Industry on how to deal with shareholders, the findings differ from the same effort to investigate cases relating to the AGM.

The report confirmed that the 2020 Regional Conference had not been properly conducted, while Toshiba’s investigation, led by its accounting committee, had not found any evidence of coercion from participating companies.

Since its release, an independent document He was cited by money changers and proxy advisors as a result of voting for the election of Nagayama, who chaired the committee last year and chaired the selection committee.

Nagayama was elected to office after the 2020 AGM and was not challenged in an independent report, but financiers said he should be held responsible due to the manner in which the Toshiba survey was conducted.

Participants declined to be re-appointed to the board of Nobuyuki Kobayashi, another accounting committee member, at a two-and-a-half-hour meeting.

Prior to settling in Toshiba, Nagayama was known to support Sony’s conversion and turn Chugai Pharmaceutical into an international player in partnership with Switzerland’s Roche.


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