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The Xbox Mini Fridge will keep your gamer in mind this holiday season


Microsoft’s “one thing” during Xbox display with Bethesda E3 it was not Scrolls of Adults 6 teaser, unfortunately. Instead, as promised, it makes Xbox Mini Refrigerator.

The trailer has some funny words, but Microsoft promises to make a small fridge that looks like the Xbox Series X, and is coming this holiday season. The company calls it “the world’s smallest refrigerator” and claims to use Xbox velocity architecture. It seems you can store a few cans of your favorite drinks.

Aaron Greenberg, Xbox game marketing manager, He said in April Microsoft would rely on the meme and make a small fridge if it won the Twitter competition. The Xbox won, so his weapon is definitely coming. There is no word on whether you can buy an Xbox Mini Fridge or if Microsoft offers this, as a full fridge disrupted last year.

Here I hope Microsoft makes it Xbox games are streaming tech. If so, it will be the Xbox that happens to make your drinks cool.

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