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The Polestar 2 switch turns your phone into a digital car key


Polestar just arrived at Tesla in a simple but important area: get into your car. The maker of the machine is to get out in the air Polestar 2 updates are a beta Digital Key that activates the car by recognizing your phone. EV detects your route using 18 Bluetooth sensors and allows you to log in without browsing the app or hitting the top. You have to be a car to start it, so you don’t have to worry about the car “going” until you’re in the driver’s seat.

The same changes bring other changes, including battery temperature for stretching, a better way to calculate blank distance, and better support for carrying “new wireless phones” (think IPhone 12).


The Polestar app, meanwhile, now features beta car controls such as remote locking and climate control since. You can also check your battery. Beta will slowly arrive on all Polestar 2 cars, with many more to come.

This is a temporary upgrade. Tesla cars like Example 3 I’ve been supported by digital for years, for example. It should be accepted if you already have it, and can make a Polestar 2 purchase forcibly if you want an alternative to the EV option. If not here’s a new product just for you! It’s one of the only racing games I know of.

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