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The first notable event of the Glastonbury Festival was met with great traps


The program of The first notable event was the Glastonbury Festival it didn’t go exactly as planned. The program of BBC reports organizer Emily Eavis said he apologized Thousands of ticket holders have experienced hardships that have either closed them since early May 22 or expelled them later. The festival team released the free stream at 9PM at the same time (4PM East), but you can only repeat this for up to an hour – the first stages of the gig were impossible.

The drivers, who are running the event, he promised until the live streams of May 23 and a link that would allow them to watch until May 30. People who could not watch the show afterwards were also promised to return the ticket.

This is not the first time an online concert has been in trouble, and there have been many digital shows that have taken place. gone without any problems. However, Glastonbury is one of the largest music festivals in the world – and the river was designed to support sponsors and musicians who have been unable to work due to the epidemic. The technical issues disrupted an important moment, and not everyone will have the opportunity to see it again.

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