Business News

The EU wants to spend billions if AstraZeneca fails to hit the vaccine target


The EU has demanded billions of dollars in damages from AstraZeneca if the company fails to extend the Covid-19 vaccine next month.

The EU wants the company to pay € 10 a day if it does not pay the 20m extra gun demanded by Europe at the end of June, its lawyer told a court in Brussels on Wednesday.

The inquiry is part of a series of lawsuits filed by the European Commission seeking to force AstraZeneca to pay 90m for the second quarter of the year instead of the current 70m. What has happened is the escalation of hostilities between the EU and the company over long-term failure to bring.

AstraZeneca said his lawyers would present his case later Wednesday. The company has been adamant that it has made the necessary agreement to “meet EU requirements.


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