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The DOJ directs Latvia to support the creation of a Trickbot criminal program


The Department of Justice has taken over case Alla Witte, a Latvian citizen also known as Max, who calls her a member of the Trickbot Group that runs the evil Trickbot program. Witte claims to have contributed to the development of a malware program and to have provided a tracking number for the delivery and commissioning, as well as a payment authorization number. According to the DOJ, Max’s tax code that he wrote may tell people that they must purchase special software through the Bitcoin address managed by Trickbot Group to stop their files.

Officials also allege that he wrote down a number that tracked and tracked the users of the malware program and produced tools and projects used in archiving. Trickbot started as a malware program for making bank licenses and more. It has evolved and become more and more complex over the years, having the opportunity to go beyond the security measures that modern companies have made.

Later, at least a million computers with malware became known as the Trickbot botnet and became part of the distribution of free tools like Ryuk. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic last year, US government officials said was warned the attackers were using Trickbot to infect hospitals and health care providers with Ryukhlengwareware. Victims of the crime program include schools, social services and governments. Instead, both Microsoft and DOD Group of US Cyber ​​Command took action to disrupt the botnet last year over allegations that hackers were using a stolen computer network to interfere with the US presidential election in 2020.

While Max was originally from Latvia, Trickbot Group operated in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Suriname. The program of prosecution (PDF) condemns Max and his associates for using Trickbot to steal money and secrets from individuals, businesses and financial institutions in the US, UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Russia. He is said to have started work in November 2015.

Witte has been charged with 19 counts of 47 counts of conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. Two of them have been in prison for 30 years.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco said in a statement:

“Trickbot took millions of tortured computers from around the world and used them to collect bank certificates and pay ransom. “These cases serve as a warning to potential criminals that the Department of Justice, through the Ransomware and Digital Extort Task Force and our colleagues, has used all the weapons at our disposal to disrupt the cybercriminal ecosystem.”

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