The developer reveals the Xbox Easter Egg after waiting nearly 20 years for people to find it
Nearly 20 years after its release, you might think Original Xbox could not be any remaining secrets to share. But not only does Microsoft’s first console contain only the hidden Easter Eggs, there is a possibility that one of them would not be known if he did not disclose it soon. This week, the developer who grabbed the first Xbox connected Kotaku telling the website how to create a surprise that no one has ever experienced before. “I don’t expect it to be available, unless the starting number came out or someone has completely changed the Dashboard,” the website said.
If you want to see for yourself the Easter Egg, you need to rip the CD to your Xbox devices. When your app prompts you to name a disc, write, “Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Then came Timmy at 26 ys (we’re starting to see why no one found the Easter Egg alone). As Kotaku he says, there is no need to read the letters. Instead, write the entire section and enter the last letter and the surprise sign.
Now get ready for a history lesson on how to use technology in the middle of your Xbox slowly arranging audio files to its drive. Once done, open the settings menu and navigate to the “System Info” option.The console now gives you the opportunity to have the latest interest rates for Xbox Dashboard team members.
“I’ve decided to share it now since it’s been 20 years, and I think it would be great if people knew this was real,” said the developer. Kotaku. “I also thought that if I didn’t do it right now, it wouldn’t happen. It took me a very long time to remember what caused it! I had to connect the Xbox and try a few things to be sure. ”
In the same way, Seamus Blackley, The original Xbox maker, was told Kotaku that he didn’t know about Timmy’s Easter Egg before the page told him. According to the manufacturer, there are one last-time Xbox developers who haven’t found Microsoft’s nearly 20-year-old program, but haven’t revealed how to launch this.
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