Taking a sustainable management approach
Today we are all struggling to connect. In families, between generations, neighborhoods, even among co-workers. We rely on education, trade, economic growth, skills and global change.
If we did not know it before, we would now know: our connection – the way we communicate – has its benefits and risks for our health, our economy, our communities, and our world.
That’s the beginning of the settlement, really. It is not just a natural disaster but also an economic crisis. And it is not just a matter of health and morals. The size and complexity of the challenges we face require rational, systematic thinking.
No one acting independently – no country, no sector, no scientist, no organization – can change much. Addressing major global challenges will require a new kind of innovation, one that can lead to innovation and expertise in various sectors and industries.
Dispose of plastic waste
Take away the problem of plastic waste. Each year, $ 80 to $ 120 billion worth of waste is thrown away as a single-use plastic. (I) Every minute the price of plastic waste is thrown into the sea, (ii) and to University of Georgia technical professor Jenna Jambeck, meanwhile, by 2030, there will be precious plastic waste dumped into our oceans every day. (iii)
Reducing the waste of plastic waste will need to be new to all plastic value machines – from how they are made in the lab, made into materials, used by consumers, and eventually picked up, modified, and disposed of.
Two years ago, Morgan Stanley developed the plastic Waste Resolution, (iv) not because we make or use a lot of plastic, but because as a global company affiliated with retailers, corporations, governments, manufacturers, and nonprofits difference. If we all work together.
The choice is obvious: as resilient, we are committed to helping to prevent, reduce, and dispose of 50 million plastic waste by 2030. As part of this, we are writing a Debris Tracker program, (v) that helps scientific citizens empower people to collect and dispose of waste. work so that scientists and researchers can better understand the causes of plastic waste on the shoreline and in the water.
Our public partnership
Obviously, stability is far greater than the explosion of plastic, and “environment” is just one leg of environmental, social, and industrial (ESG) control. The past year has, in fact, brought a new dimension to all development projects, and, in turn, skills and collaboration are crucial in response.
The new innovation, “collective bargaining” now supports the foundation and other non-profits contribute to the vital task of reforming territories, tackling racial inequality, and achieving an equal future for all. For example, last year, Morgan Stanley partnered with the Ford Foundation to draft an initial $ 1 billion (vi) grant that allowed the foundation to increase nonprofit contributions during the epidemic and ensure that organizations fight for equality and support vulnerable communities. And by the end of the year we had secured our $ 1 billion and a mutual bond that provided cash equity and also provided low-cost labor for low-income people or small families in the US. (Vii)
Such an understanding – stability takes an integrated approach, designed to achieve – is at the core of Morgan Stanley’s Global Economic Group. We launched it more than a decade ago with the aim of collaborating with groups in our businesses to achieve sustainable solutions and integrate sustainability into our products and services. That is why, in September, we are building on our goal of declaring that we will not be getting carbon by 2022, (viii) we have become the first US bank to promise to reach 2050.
What may have seemed strange to some has in the past been significant in many cases of money laundering and in the fact that the company is at risk. $ 1 to $ 3 savings accounts are all managed by experts in the US, (x) and are now a market of over $ 30 trillion worldwide. (Xi) In a recent study, 85% of US business people are showing interest in sustainable livelihoods, (xii) and we think that money, skills and commitment will only grow.
Real effort is being made in our company and in many sectors to create, implement, and manage real-world experiments that together can make a difference for us and future generations. This is good news, because our most serious ESG problems cannot solve silos.
(i) MacArthur, DE, D. Waughray, and MR Stuchtey. “The New Treasure of Plastic, Considering the Future of Plastic.” International Economic Conference. 2016, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications/the-new-plastics-economy-rethinking-the-future-of-plastics
(ii) Pennington, James. “Every minute, one garbage truck is thrown into our oceans. We must stop. ”World Economic Forum. 2016, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/10/every-minute-one-garbage-truck-of-plastic-is-dumped-into-our-oceans/
(iii) Parker, Laura. “Plastic degradation is a major problem, and it is not too late to address this problem,” National Geographic, October 6, 2020, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/plastic-pollution-huge-problem-not-too-late-to-fix-it
(iv) https://www.morganstanley.com/Themes/plastic-pollution-resolution
(m) https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education/programs/debris-tracker/
(viii) https://www.morganstanley.com/articles/carbon-neutral-by-2022
(x) Nason, Deborah. “‘Sustainable financial stability’ is growing, accounting for 33% of all US assets under control,” December 21, 2020, https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/21/sustainable-investing-accounts-for-33percent-of-total-us-assets-under-management.html
(xi) Chasan, Emily, “Sustainable Investment Investment Rises 34 percent to $ 30.7 Trillion,” Bloomberg, April 1, 2019, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-01/global-sustainable-investments-rise-34-percent-to-30-7-trillion
REVEALING – essentials
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