Sweden sends troops to Gotland while Russia raises operations in the Baltic Sea

Sweden has sent hundreds of troops to forge a vital island off the Baltic Sea, with the security minister warning Scandinavia not to be fooled and under attack.
Swedish Army Army adatera at Gotland Friday and Saturday with planes and passenger ships, bringing troops and equipment to the island in large numbers compared to the carrier plane in the middle of the Baltic Sea.
The shipment comes amid growing earthquakes in the Nordic and Baltic countries over Russia’s intentions on its borders with Ukraine, as well as how it could spread to neighboring countries. Swedish journalists known over the weekend escalated Russian military action in the Baltic Sea while troops were deployed to Gotland.
“Obviously there is danger. The Swedish invasion cannot be stopped. . . It is important to show that we are not ignorant. Sweden will not be caught sleeping if something happens. It is important to send the message that we are seeing this in depth, “said Minister of Defense Peter Hultqvist he tells Ekot radio station Saturday.
Russia’s sending of more than 100,000 troops to the Ukrainian border and its rhetoric has led Sweden and Finland, both non-aligned, to confirm their non-alignment. kept the election applying for Nato membership.
Many in the Swedish parliament have entered membership bias of the alliance, but the middle-left rulers of the Social Democrats are not and without their support Sweden is unlikely to join.
Experts say Sweden, which did not eternal existence in war at Gotland from 2005 to 2016 when it reduced defensive spending after the Cold War, he was forced to make significant strides due to military weaknesses.
It took the same actions in August 2020 to send armored vehicles along with vacationers on a boat to a well-known tourist island while Russia played a number of military games in the region.
Sweden has increased its defense spending in recent years after several embarrassments including failure to fly a plane like Russia. he compared the attack at Stockholm as it was over the weekend of Easter, and the unsuccessful hunt of a it is suspected that the Russian navy in islands outside the Swedish capital.
The three Baltic states, which are Nato members, have long urged Sweden to take Gotland’s security seriously, and Swedish troops – along with a large US military force – have done their part. great physical activity for many years in 2017 including the attack on Gotland, which a US official called a “carrier aircraft”.
Even when more troops arrived over the weekend, security officials in Gotland tried to comfort residents of the area. “I sleep well at night, and the risk of war is minimal,” said Mattias Ardin, Gotland team chief.
Swedish police also said on Friday unidentified drones were flying at least one and possibly four nuclear power plants. Police, who alerted Swedish troops, said they saw the connection as “extremely dangerous”.
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