SkulptSynth SE is a well-known $ 199 analog synth with MPE support
Modal Electronics played well in the budget market with two punches SkulptSynth and Fraudulent Drawing 2.0. Skulpt had a similar $ 299 form that was aimed at One and Volca Keys in exchange for a real analog to have more word-for-word production. Craft on the other hand wanted a different engine engine than anything else at a price of $ 150 SkulptSynth SE builds Skulpt’s initial success by lowering the price to just $ 199 and raising the binding.
People have been complaining about the design of Skulpt and Craft 2 – including me. It sounds pretty, but it is cheap and cheap. The Volca line is not really a reflection of the original weapons, but it feels a lot stronger than the Modal weapons. I’m not trying Skulpt SE anymore, because I can’t be sure how good the architecture is, but I’m looking forward to it.
At the bottom of the building, SE is the same as the original Skulpt. With four words, the 32-oscillator is almost an analog synth with a two-pole filter that can sweep from the descent, to the bandpass, to the highpass. There are also dedicated filter envelopes, amp amp, flexibility, and two LFOs, one of which is polyphonic. Although the controls on the SE are not ready for MPE, you can contact the corresponding supervisor like Sensel Morph and have a descriptive voice, which is no longer heard at the high cost of manufacturing equipment.
There is also a strong opponent and 256 steps. In addition there are distortions that are created and slowed down in amplifying your voice and adding space. Not to mention the many connections, including USB, all MIDI and outgoing, 3.5mm headphones and line jackets, and analog internal and external connectivity to connect Mountains, Pocket Staff and so on.
And, being a Modal synth, it can be connected to a Modal program. The program is very good and gives you the opportunity to improve on the content of the most fraudulent engines. Obviously, this app is very useful with Craft 2 which has limits on controls.
The biggest difference between OG Skulpt and SE is its design. The original was a black leather jacket with orange accents and the notes on the buttons were a bit confusing. SE makes it easy to read its design and point of reference which is well described in the future.
SkulptSynth SE is available here of $ 199.
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