Sharks Use the Earth’s Magnet as a Compass

“It’s an interesting and clear demonstration that the ashes use Earth’s magnetism as a map,” says Kenneth Lohmann, a professor of biology at the University of North Carolina who did not participate in the study. Lohmann wrote the same in the fish and on the marine side. The study suggests that the potential for magnetic fields may be more common among marine mammals.
“It’s like a little kid being taught a home address,” Lohmann says. When they are young, these fish learn the magnets of their “location” or the ocean. This allows them to get back on track, even after a long walk. (He may not have answered the magnet from Tennessee, he thinks, because it’s outside the area he knows.)
SAmmonites use spicesIn addition to magnets, to identify where they give birth, other fish can do the same, especially at the end of their voyages. “In hindsight, I think emotion is a big part of it,” says Keller, but he doesn’t think it’s possible to drive hundreds of miles.
Yet the same Why any animal with a magnetic field remains a “real secret,” says Lohmann. Another idea is that they have magnetite crystals, which are heard in the far north, embedded somewhere in their brain or nervous systems. Another is that the magnet affects the receptors in them visible systems, the most beautiful colors or the bright colors on their vision, as an additional visual aid. It may also be red in the north, and the animal will simply follow the color.
Sharki also has pores in their nostrils filled with Lorenzini ampullae, receptors that detect water waves in water; Sharks pick up animals by recognizing their heartbeats. Either these sensors detect magnets, or they take them spontaneously to detect the movement of electromagnetic waves. No one can say for sure here. Lohmann states, “there is no reason to assume that there is only one method that all animals use.”
Research like Keller’s is important because it helps to document a long-standing piece of how fishermen achieve their great migration, and give people an understanding of how marine technologies affect them. Kyle Newton, a biologist at the University of Washington at Saint Louis, says: “It has a profound effect on biodiversity management,” studying how stingrays use magnets.
It’s a very important thing to understand because coastal gardens are very popular – and can confuse these farms. Turbines convert energy from wind into energy that is propelled to the surface through water lines. And just as Keller’s cubic force used to mimic the earth’s magnetic field, the hydraulic power cords regenerate their magnetic field at sea. These problems can confuse animals, encourage them to swim away from the right path or entice them to eat in areas where they do not have the right animal.
It is not known if any disturbances occurred; these errors are minor and probably not a problem, Newton says. Or they may bully other animals more than others. But he feels that people need to learn the potential for ending this migration. Since people do not hear electronic signals, Newton said, “It’s easy to ignore these things. We’re not in our machine.”
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