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SAT will drop pencil and become fully digital by 2024

The standard SAT college-approved tests will be taken on computers only from 2024, The New York Times they say. The new system will stipulate the end of tests taken on paper containing 2 pencils, free access to American high school students since SAT was in place. first served about a hundred years ago.

Instead students complete exams on a laptop or tablet, either their own or school-provided equipment. If students do not have the device, the board will provide one day test. And if a student loses power or connectivity, “digital SAT is designed to ensure that they do not lose work or time when they reconnect,” says the College Board, which tests the test.

On top of the technical changes, the test time will be shortened to two hours instead of three. It will contain short reading passages with each question, highlighting a number of themes that represent what students will see in college. In the mathematics section, calculations will be allowed at the end. And students and teachers get tested in days rather than weeks, when teachers no longer have to deal with packing, sorting or sending test kits.

It was less stressful, and much faster than I thought it would be.

The College Board reported that in testing pilots, 80 percent of students found that digital tests alone were not a concern. “It made me suffer less, and more quickly than I thought,” 11th-grade student Natalia Cossio told the group. “The brief paragraphs helped me to focus on what the question really meant.”

A new trial standard has been announced for the growth of US schools to exclude SAT (or ACT competitors) tests. Fall 2022, approximately 1,815 schools (wa about 4,000 degree institutions) have eliminated the need for regular exams, according to FairTest non-profit foundation.

“Schools that did not order the ACT / SAT roll-out last year usually receive more enrollment, better education and more enrollment,” Director of FairTest Bob Schaeffer told the students. Los Angeles Times last year.

Opponents have also seen the SAT test disabled students those who do not have the opportunity to cost a course exam preparation or who cannot afford to take the $ 55 exam several times. SAT’s digital transformation “does not magically evolve into an accurate, fair or legitimate tool for monitoring college preparation,” Schaefer told NOW. Meanwhile, the College Board has stated that the results of the SAT could help students who do not have the highest grades.

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