Roland repeats high-quality synths and voice modules JD-08 and JX-08
Roland is again the previous ones are JX-08 and JD-08 Sound Modules, copying the old JX-8P analog and digital JD-800 synths from the ’80s and’ 90s, respectively. All of them also release the sound of old synths digitally, while adding new ones and patches designed with modern styles.
Roland’s JX-8P was released in 1985 as one of the company’s latest products. It was paired with a combination of analog and digital editing, providing “warm pads, bright and vibrant music in well-known contemporary songs,” said Roland. JX-08 also makes sense with new effects as well as a polyphoric sequencer.
It features larger polyphony, the possibility of two-dimensional multi-dimensional and two-dimensional / divisive, as well as 32 presets from the original equipment and over 100 new patches tailored to modern needs. In addition, it is available with a team from synth’s companion PG-800 programmer unit of original hardware, allowing you to save creations in 256 preset slots.
The JD-800, at the time, was a digital synth launched in 1991 by a “control group and a powerful electronic sound system,” according to Roland. JD-08 also does this using the “JD-800’s original interface” and advanced advanced technology. IT also adds expanded polyphony, a two-phase polyphonic sequel and other modern modifications.
All of these synths are highly flexible, can run on USB bus laptops or batteries, and combine a built-in speaker to illuminate voice signals. It also features a built-in USB-C / MIDI interface for connecting to computer hardware, along with a complete MIDI I / O. The JX-08 and JD-08 Sound modules will arrive in the US in January for $ 400 each.
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