Reddit has been charged with failure to report child abuse
FOSTA-SESTA they are getting new tests. About reports what an unknown woman possesses filed a lawsuit against Reddit for allowing his ex-girlfriend to post photos and video of him without a license at the age of 16. The complainant approached supervisors, but was told he had to wait “a few days” before he was fired and did not do well to get a real restraint. They have to “spend hours” coming through the subreddits to find out what’s upsetting and share it with Reddit, according to the suit.
The woman said the lack of reddit activity violates FOSTA-SESTA, a change in Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act which removes security over the internet on sexual content. Reddit claims to have violated the law by engaging in commercials that promote images that are “for sale,” and that he is aware of the existence of such images in his work while allowing for his presence.
Jane Doe is following through in her classroom activities to include everyone involved.
Reddit denied any tolerance in the comments. He also said that child abuse was “out of place” in the community, and that it “exceeded” the law by dealing with this through the use of technology and social reform. The company also claimed that it had removed the content, banned users, and that it had violated the law.
This case may help explain how FOSTA-SESTA works. These changes were made to reduce direct sales on pages as Backpage. In this case, the woman insisted that it describes child rape regardless of how it was obtained or whether the donor wants to be compensated. There is a real chance that the court will reject the claim that this is the result of rape, but expanding the meaning of that definition could open the door to many other legal issues.
The case also shows the limit of Reddit that is run in a small group. Subreddit administrators are often called by existing mods, Reddit does not participate much. While most mods are on the job, this method can leave users if they do not quickly monitor the culprit even circuit managers or Reddit tools.
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