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Pfizer calls on US to approve COVID booster jabs for all adults | Coronavirus Plague News


FDA advisers in September rejected Pfizer’s recommendation for all, saying it was uncertain adults who needed a higher dose.

Medical giant Pfizer has asked U.S. health officials for approval encouragement COVID-19 vaccine for anyone 18 years of age and older, is concerned that coronavirus could re-emerge in the coming winter months in the US.

Older Americans and those at risk of infection are already eligible to receive a third jab in the US.

On Tuesday, Pfizer-BioNTech called on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to qualify.

The request comes amid concerns that COVID-19 may be on the rise as the holiday season and winter months often bring more people into the home to meet friends and relatives.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), new coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths have dropped in recent weeks across the country. But a large proportion of the US population remains uncut.

The United States has already launched a vaccination campaign for children between the ages of 5 and 11 [Matt Mills McKnight/Reuters]

The CDC recent statistics showing 70 percent of U.S. adults are fully vaccinated and approximately 21.5 million Encouraging doses have been given to people with adequate vaccines. The US also approved the Pfizer vaccine recently ana between the years of nine.

The administration of President Joe Biden decided the first extras for all adults but faced a major challenge in September when FDA scientific advisers rejected Pfizer Extra Dosage for everyone.

The group was not affected by the fact that young, healthy people need a certain level, especially when the majority of the world’s population they remain vaccinated.

Pfizer said it provides the first results of a survey that encouraged 10,000 people to say it was time to expand the advocacy campaign in the US.

The study confirmed that the supplement could restore immunity to symptoms caused by symptoms up to about 96 percent, even those that are highly contagious. Type of Delta was exploding. The results were similar to those seen with the company’s first shot.

The US approved the vaccine with three weapons in the US: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

Pfizer says it is providing the first results of a survey that encouraged 10,000 people to say it was time to expand the advocacy campaign in the US. [Emily Elconin/Reuters]

Under the current laws, people who have received Pfizer or Moderna jabs are eligible for assistance six months later if they are 65 years of age or older, or are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 due to health or occupational health problems or living conditions. .

Because Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine has not been proven to be as effective as a two-dose competitor, any Johnson & Johnson recipient can receive encouragement within two months.

Under the law, about two-thirds of adults with the vaccine are expected to receive it in the next few months.

The US has also ordered people to be vaccinated against another company, often called “mixing and mixing“.

If the FDA approves Pfizer’s recommendations to all adults, the CDC will come up with a way to apply it.


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