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Pentagon Releases Cloud Activity and Seems To Increase AI


At the end of 2019, Pentagon a Microsoft thing on a $ 10 billion contract called JEDI that you want to use machine overhaul of U.S. military armor. On Tuesday, the council broke its agreement. The Pentagon said it would resume a new alliance that would require expertise from both parties Amazon and Microsoft, and this provides excellent support for data processing tasks, such as advancing military elections artificial intelligence.

The partnership will be called Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability. It seeks to address the legal and political challenges posed by the JEDI. Opponents of Microsoft on Amazon and Oracle both claimed in court that the prize was forfeited. In April, the Supreme Court of the Federal Claims refused to rule on Amazon’s lawsuit, claiming that the company’s bias against President Trump and other officials persuaded the Pentagon to favor Microsoft, creating opportunities for years to come.

Pentagon announcement Monday Tuesday he did not mention the legal issues of JEDI but said the technical needs of the US military have changed since it first inquired at the original agreement in 2018. JEDI included support for AI operations, but Pentagon chief of staff John Sherman said. stated that the department needs more algorithm-products to grow significantly.

“Our position has moved forward, and a new approach forward is needed to accommodate all martial and cultural areas,” Sherman said. He mentioned two recent AI-centric programs, indicating that he has received excellent support from this new partnership with its two vendors.

One is called Joint All Domain Command and Control, which aims to bring together system statistics from global warships, oceans, air, and space so that algorithms can help administrators identify their needs and make decisions in response. During an Air Force exercise linked to the program last year, the pilot used it VR headset and Anduril security software calling for a real air defense to fire a passenger vehicle on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

Sherman also said JWCC is supporting the project announced last month accelerating the implementation of AI across the Pentagon, in addition to creating specialized data groups and AI experts on each of the 11 high-level military laws.

The Pentagon’s claim to support high-level intelligence such as AI operations shows President Biden’s Pentagon continues to bolster the military power that began during the Obama administration and continues under President Trump. Subsequent writers have suggested that this may be the case they want better connections and professional manufacturing companies, including cloud providers and founders. However, some AI experts are terrified War AI can have negative or negative consequences, and other employees, plus on Google, criticizes Pentagon events.

Andrew Hunter, director of the Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group at the Center for Strategic and International Study, says the Pentagon seems to have decided that because of its legislation, the resumption was the best way to obtain cloud computing equipment that the department has temporarily needed.

Computer-dependent operations such as one that seeks to integrate various military operations and its weapons are central to Pentagon’s anti-China sentiment. “The end of the computing cloud is the ability to use virtualization technologies such as AI on your network so that you can do things smarter than enemies,” says Sherman.

JEDI was not the only Pentagon cloud compiler, but the speed at which the successor could wake up and continue working could have a profound effect on the Pentagon cloud and AI dreams. If all had been planned, the first two-year JEDI could be completed in April. Hunter hopes that the department will work hard to finalize the agreement as soon as possible — and take precautions to avoid conflicts around JEDI.


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