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New tuna production is coming to restaurants in 2022

The next time you visit a sushi restaurant, the delicious tuna biscuits that come with your sushi dish may not come from fish. Eternal Food, a well-known company civilized fish, preparing release of fish from the plant in 2022. Using nine materials, Finless is said to have made his own tuna to imitate a sushi classmate. And although it is possible to exchange a substitute with the company, the company decided to go into the diet of raw fish, including cooking dishes.

“Our seed-based fish provides an opportunity for consumers who can’t eat fish because of allergies, who are thinking about other health risks or who just want to enjoy a fish-free diet.” And stability is important here. Unlike fish, it is difficult to grow tuna on a scale, and as the company points out, global fish prices have dropped by 60% in the last 50 years. And with climate change damaging the oceans, scientists are hoping for fewer fish to catch fish carefully at the end of the century.

When it comes to other methods of seed production, it is easy to find cattle and pigs successors. You don’t have to look any further Impossible Foods and After the Animals. Other fishing methods are another matter, however. Not only did they have a few printing presses, but it was also hard to find. A company called Ocean Hugger Foods has released fish from seeds and clean water alternatives. You can find those in restaurants such as Blue Sushi Sake Girl and choice All Foods places across the US.

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