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Microsoft Teams is ready for ‘friends and relatives’


Microsoft Teams is well-known as a competitor to Slack over workplace communications, but almost a year ago the company announced it was also discovering some of the features it would like to use with relatives or friends. After a brief look, Microsoft has announced that the teams are now available to everyone and free to use.

If you have never tried Teams for personal use, it includes platform-based features like Slack and Discord, including video playback, chat, integration with the files you work with and so on. Today’s announcement highlights the types of products Microsoft is looking for for people who want to use them with friends and family. For example, “Together Mode” is a twist on video calling that gives you and your callers the space you shared; Microsoft says this reduces video fatigue “because your brain doesn’t have to work harder than regular video.”

Another feature of the team is using live emoji and GIFs during video games. And Microsoft says you don’t have to worry about multiple links depending on the device you’re using – one link works on the Internet, PCs and Macs as well as on the phone. It’s a great feature for video conferencing, but it still works.

Microsoft also has some of the baked goods in the categories, including items such as a list of its active ingredients. You can start a conversation with a group and then make a list and give things back to those people. Groups allow you to take any message and turn it into something to do, so if someone asks you to do something, the message can be turned into something of your choice.

In the same way, you can start polls and social gatherings and then take action from the election when you are done, such as playing a video or entering a calendar. Lastly, Groups includes a “dashboard view” that gives you the opportunity to view all shared by your team, including files, photos, links, events, sharing activities and much more.

If you are a business user, Microsoft has made it clear that the Groups you use are very different from the ones you use. Everything is kept separate, but the desktop app changes between the two types. Again, this doesn’t sound like it has multiple social networking sites. But since so many people are using Slack on their social networks, it makes sense that Microsoft will also create team teams to engage with.

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