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Microsoft shares views on the ‘Sua Senua: Hellbade II’ development

It’s been almost two years since Microsoft he announced Senua Saga: Hellblade II at The Game Awards at the end of 2019. Since then, we have been hearing a little bit about the results of the best games of 2017. But time for the company the second demonstration of E3, Microsoft shared the update – it was not your regular report.

Instead of showing a video game or a show, Ninja Theory Founder Tameem Antoniades described some of the events that took place in the game before. For example, he said the studio has sent teams of artists and audiences to film and capture Iceland. Along with satellite imagery, Ninja Theory plans to use these tools to restore the “big” landscapes in this country to the game.

The studio has been producing real-time clothing that is photographed in the Unreal engine. To make this fight “real and brutal, actress Melina Juergens has been training for the past two years and” all of our actors have been trained to fight. “This is not what you expect the player to say, but then Tameem Antoniades we are talking about.

What the montage clearly states is that the size of Hellblade II it will be different from the one predestined. A team of about 20 people made the first game, with Ninja Theory recording the project as AAA’s independent game. The work described by Antoniades makes sense Hellblade II sounds like a very ambitious project.

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