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Matrix 4 End Credits: Secret Events After Resurrection

Neo and Trinity look at the setting of the sun at the end of the Matrix Resurrections.

Neo and Trinity want you to stay until the end, please.
Picture: Warner Bros.

Fans know that they don’t just have to worry on the Marvel film, but probably not on a Matrix video. However, it should always be remembered The Resurrection of the Matrix, which is now in the showroom and streaming on the HBO Max.

The resurrection of the dead then a succession process that is expected for a long time to start Matrix trilogy (The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, Matrix transitions) which also features Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity. Both died Updates, or we thought so — but co-author and director Lana Wachowski is investigating what happened in her new film.

And after all The Resurrection of the Matrix‘actions and drama, there is history. If you’re like most people, you probably left the movie there. But Wachowski has a little strange in the end and this is what happened.

Image courtesy of Yes, The Matrix Resurrections With End Credits Scene

If you have seen this movie, you know that in this new edition of the Matrix, produced by the Neo and Trinity house builders later. Updates, Thomas Anderson made a great play called … The Matrix. And now the owner of the company, Warner Bros., wants to make a fourth game. Something he said he would never do. All of that glasses, exactly, what Lana Wachowski passed by The Matrix movies.

After the story, we take another look at the events that take place at the beginning of the film, and we see Anderson’s braintrust trying to destroy the fourth installment. Matrix must be. Now, whether this is still happening in the Matrix of video – from the end, Neo and Trinity are no longer under the control of the Analyst (Neil Patrick Harris) – we do not know. Probably not. But in any case, one of the staff members said, “The movies are dead. The game is dead. The story is dead.” They believe that the media is nothing but a list of brain triggers. And the answer? Cats videos. The Catrix. ” They have become chaga with unwavering confidence.

Monga The Resurrection of the Matrix In itself, events and jokes that work on a few levels. First of all being an idea is very silly, which is why it is so funny. However you should think that the incident probably with Wowsowski reiterating his hatred of modern, well-known entertainment and the previous ideas that people made him do for the fourth time. Matrix. The silly and casual ideas can also be cat-rix. We hope no one has made it The Matrix and cats, but if you put cats “Anything Famous,” it sounds good.

However, it’s a little extra on the film and, if you missed it, that’s it. The Resurrection of the Matrix is playing now.

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