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Linguistics in ‘Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla’


The Welsh are called Britons in Valhalla. The British were a Celtic-speaking people living in Britain before the Roman conquest. Their language, Common Brittonic, was first spoken in Britain. Following the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England, it was replaced by Old English in many parts of the country. However, the Common Brittonic remained the dominant language in the western part of Britain and eventually became the Welsh, Cornish, and Cumbric languages. Interestingly, the story of Sciropescire (Shropshire) in the play features Eivor meeting the former Welsh King Rhodri.

“It is not known what an Englishman like King Rhodri could have said, but it is not possible that he was bilingual,” said Webb-Davies, who speaks in Wales. The Welsh people used in the Rhodri region include some Welsh and modern Welsh people. ”

The wide range of languages ​​was a key part of Ubisoft’s development team.

“Making the Old Welsh used for western travel, we were very talented Malo Adeux, Chosen PhD in classic literature at Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, and If Ap Ap Dafydd, a development worker at the National Library of Wales. He had a very difficult job, starting with the oldest Middle Welsh sources of the 12th – 15th centuries, and then improving to become the most outspoken. Like rewriting Dickens in Shakespearean! “Grimwood says.

Welsh is also found in the Glowecestrescire (Gloucestershire) area. Although modern Gloucestershire is part of England, its appearance Valhalla it is strange that they are Welsh, with many names such as Tewdwr, Cynon, and Modron — as well as references to the pagan Roman culture that existed in Britain, as Wicker Man and the horned god Cernunnos.

It is in this episode that the actor meets Brigid, a woman who only talks to Welsh, on a pagan ritual that involves fun, as well as strange skulls, and criminals. I’m not a Welsh speaker, but I can understand Welsh words like gives, means good; maes, meaning garden; and like, meaning bed. At the end of their meeting they say “Thank you”Translated into Welsh,“ Thank you. ”I also noticed a lot of English words.

“Brigid is an interesting story, she speaks in a conventional way combined with English words. “It is difficult to follow Brigid at times, even as a Welsh-speaking Welshman – and his language is sometimes inconsistent; I think it was sent through the translation program! ”

The reasons for Brigid’s unusual speech were revealed by the Ubisoft team. “Brigid is a special case,” said Russell Lee, a journalist Valhalla, tells you WIRED. “The author simply wrote ‘unintelligible’ in the text and the artist found his own ‘Welsh’ incomprehensible!”

Gaelic and Picts

Gaelic is featured in the game as a language spoken by the Picts, a group of people living in what is now Scotland. Gaelic was brought to Scotland by Irish citizens between the ages of 4 and 5 AD. By the ninth century, Gaelic was the official language of Scotland.

There was also a different language of Pictish, but it was beginning to decline at the same time Valhalla has been established. Although little is known about the language, archaeological evidence suggests that Pictish may have been very similar to Britonnic languages ​​such as Welsh. A good example is the “Aber” section of the Scottish name “Aberdeen,” which means “river mouth” in Brittonic. The inscriptions for the place can be found today in Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany, but they are not found in Ireland, indicating that they are Brittonic and not Gaelic.


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