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ISPs Receive 8.5 Million Negotiations Against Political Neutrality


The Internet is too big donors in the US paid for a campaign that created a “8.5 million impression” at the Federal Communications Commission as part of a battle for ISPs political neutrality laws under the Trump administration, according to a the report was released Thursday New York State Attorney General Letitia James.

An estimated 18 million of the 22 million comments were made, including anti-net representations, the report said. A 19-year-old man made 7.7 million comments against neutrality on false, randomly fabricated lies. But astrological experiments are supported by broadband companies was identified because it uses the names of real people without permission, while other companies that have been hired are those who are signing licenses, the report said.

The New York Attorney General’s Office began investigating in 2017 and said he encountered rocks since then the FCC seat Ajit Pai, who he refused requests for evidence. But after years of obtaining and analyzing “thousands of internal emails, transaction documents, bank accounts, invoices, and information with a record of millions,” the office said, “it found that millions of fraudulent material was provided through a secret service, paid for by large corporations. around the world, to provide support for the elimination of political neutrality through the use of advanced generators. “

It made sense Before completing the removal in December 2017 that millions of people — including the dead — were transformed into politically neutral voices. Even industry-supported research he found that 98.5% of actual reviews opposed the Pai discount system. But Thursday’s report reveals more about how many comments were false and how the broadband industry is affected.

“Broadband companies could not rely on the people involved because the people contributed so much to their neutrality,” the report said. “That’s why the broadband industry has tried to make a return on investment by hiring companies to comment on pay.”

The report said the company’s campaign was run through Broadband for America (BFA), an umbrella group that includes Comcast, Charter, AT&T, Cox, and CenturyLink. Broadband for America also includes three commercial groups, namely CTIA, which represents wireless telecommunications companies; NCTA – Internet & Television Cooperation; and the Association of Telecommunications Industry Association. Verizon is not listed as a member of Broadband for America, but is part of the CTIA.

“The BFA hid its role in the conference by recruiting law enforcement agencies – not affiliated with the broadband industry – to become members of the group,” said an AG report.

Broadband for America’s “money-net-neutrality campaign” fundraisers also included a business group and three companies that are among the largest online players in the United States, mobile phone, and cable market, with over 65 American subscribers million is a market value of about half a trillion, ”the report said.

Comcast, Charter, and AT&T are the largest members of Broadband for America. Comcast has 31.1 million customers in integrated smartphones, mobile phones, and TV. Hayala has about 29.4 million customers. AT&T. has 14.1 million subscribers and 15.9 million TV subscribers, but it is not known how much is between the two groups as many Instructions users do not live in the AT&T wireless network.

The report mentions Comcast, Charter, and AT&T in particular. Just to name the ISPs came the statement, “Politics means companies that provide internet to your home, business, and your phone, such as AT&T, Comcast, and Charter (often called internet service providers, ISPs, or broadbands),” they do not have to choose between online content. “

With Broadband manufacturers using third-party vendors to campaign, the Attorney General’s Office said it found no evidence that ISPs “knew” the fraud. Broadband companies spent $ 8.2 million on their web-based campaign, plus $ 4.2 million to submit 8.5 million comments to the FCC and half a million letters to Congress, the report said.


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