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How to Use Techniques to Manage Your Family History

Before In 10 years, one in five Americans will be over 65 years of age. As our parents and grandparents grow up, one day we will almost certainly miss the opportunity to learn about their lives. The good news is that with all the different options available, you don’t have to be a winner or a video producer to save your loved one.

Throughout our Midwest years, my family and I wanted to know more about our brothers who had died tragically during World War II. We were eager to know more about our father’s life during the war, but at the same time, none of us wanted to offend him by reminding him of the painful things. In addition, my mother was determined not to mention this subject.

When he was 91 years old, I asked my father if he would allow me to present his experiences during the Nazi era. The parts I wrote with my GoPro were clear, but the back words were driven like a rattlesnakes cave. While recording later, I relied on my iPhone to recall some of the extras. I’ve found a number of ways and resources to draw others.

To begin with

First, do not expect your subject to be questioned. Last year I asked my mom to let me write her life story. The answer? “No. I have nothing to say. ”It seems that his attitude was normal.

“Sometimes you find someone who says, ‘No one wants to hear my story,’ ‘says Kate Carter, co-founder and CEO of LifeChronicles, a non-profit record for the elderly and the infirm. He says to tell a loved one, “This will be very important to me and to future generations of our family.” In the case of marriage, it takes the pressure of the respondent to express his or her memories.

Select: Video, Audio, or All

Graphic design is very attractive and gives you the opportunity to see what the title says, but not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera. Consider audio recordings and videos. When I asked my dad questions like “What did you like to do when you were a kid?” I drew him. When they tell me about old age and how they feel about death, I use my voice app. It was very difficult for me to point to my phone as she described the dream she had of seeing her family decades after her death. Whichever way you choose, the goal is the same: keep the thoughts and stories of a loved one.

Choose Tools That Help You

When I changed my iPhone, I did not expect to be impressed with the color. Considering that manufacturers and employers use mobile phones to photograph their work, I thought why not do the same? The advantages of using your phone are low cost, simplicity, and ease of use. I did not know when my father would tell a story that I had never heard before. The more time I spend with him, the more I ask him questions, and the more I turn into a random distribution. I could use it photo camera again, this time with a lavalier microphone, or renting a well-known camera, but I stick with my iPhone. Other than that, the best camera is the one you have and I know how to use it.

Keep your phone or video player steady using a triple, and shoot around – in the area view – to avoid leaving space on either side of the frame. Until I asked for advice from Randy Martin, director and showrunner at AMS Pictures in Dallas, I never considered using earphones and a cell phone. Martin also suggests that you touch the screen while looking at your face to let the phone know that it is very important. “When you see this, it reveals their faces, and they don’t look like they’re in a witness protection group,” he says.

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