How to Prevent Fraud in the App Store
Even Apple’s review a list of apps on the App Store, sometimes dangerous scams pass. Additions to the Google Play Store, where apps are not monitored by humans before they live. If you have trouble knowing how to prevent it sales fraud, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are some helpful tips you can follow to stay safe.
Fraudulent software comes in many forms. Some will pretend you are a popular, acclaimed programmer-Or tamper with the machine’s brand name – simply drill down their malicious ads that may suddenly appear, steal your personal information, or download malware. Other deceptions provide a simple task, just charge a very small fee before allowing users to test the app themselves, and fail to provide. Regardless of the theft it takes, the best protection is to avoid installing these programs completely. With that in mind, here are some of the big signs you should see.
Do Not Rely on Star Reading alone
Both Apple and Google have intermediate stars for each app, to give you a quick, easy-to-understand idea of how users view the app. An app with an average rating of 4.7 stars is probably more reliable than a program with an average rating of 1.7 stars, isn’t it?
Unfortunately, it is not easy. Not every star comes with written reviews, and it is easy for evildoers to play the machine by making (or buying) a large number of people to give scales. An app with hundreds of negative reviews but thousands of 5-star reviews may seem popular, though many users hate it.
This is what developer Kosta Eleftheriou found while researching a program that had 4.6 stars. Eleftheriou found that most of the comments were written voted for one star. Looking only at the votes that come with the following comments, the votes for the app dropped to 1.6 stars, a big difference. If the app were valid if a 4.6 star rating would make it visible, it would be reasonable to wait at least one very good reviews written, but many bad reviews tell a different story.
This often happens with popular programs that have useful, easy to reproduce. Eleftheriou said: “Most scammers follow a number of search terms such as home page, weather, search engines, and VPN software – to name a few.” They also look at other popular apps and show how they work, and focus on how to download new users and get them to sign up for the service, hoping they’ll forget to uninstall or don’t know how to do it. ”
Eleftheriou criticizes Apple for the misuse of his own power.
Read Comments (Not Just Beginners)
Since a number of stars can be played to make it useful, it is important to read their reviews. But if you think that means you can just look at the first couple, here’s the bad news: These can also be played. Small cottage companies reviewers are available so that dark manufacturers buy fake ideas to improve their software (or harm their competitors), in order to be better in software stores.
One of the most important tricks for readers is to use dummy accounts to label fraudulent reviews as “useful,” which will make it appear bigger on the review list. If you can move the review section to the app list, the few initial comments you get sometimes can be greatly enhanced. Swipe to see a few in the list of fraudulent software, and you may start to see very different comments.
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