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How the Evil Bird Steals With Feather Decoration


In other words, having more control over the need to keep the feathers in and care for them can be honestly mark. It takes protein to build up, and birds need to make fat to stay healthy. They want pruning all the time, too. So when it comes to germs that can easily be linked to a machine, this could mean that a man needs to destroy even More the power of self-preparation. “Since you have the time, and you have the oil, and you had the feathers in the first place – all of this is probably true identification,” says Dumbacher. Actually: Not only am I as dapple as I say on my dating page, but I am also free of the virus. Which, fainting.

But why do you face all the difficulties of changing the color of feathers when men have a pigment pointing at women? That’s the real beauty of evolution. “Evolution is a marvel,” says Shultz. “Men may have found a way to change the way the brand is designed to look brighter, more attractive, or more sporty, not at the same price. And because those men will have more wives, they will be healthier, and they will have more children. Therefore, through natural selection, this behavior will play a role. ”

In other words, prostitutes do not need makeup. If a bright man can be very healthy, flexible, they want to give him the genes the owner sons. If her babies do not come out, they do not give birth again, while other babies with flashiers continue their lineage. It’s a kind of flexible manual competition. Women want more mature men, but men try to play this game. Instead of wasting time and energy smearing themselves with more carotenoids from the fruit, the male can “steal” by using microstructures in his feathers. Shultz and his colleagues call this a “proxy treadmill,” in which men have a habit of showing strength without being fit.

“There are residues of these metals that change all the time,” Shultz said. “Men and women are in this battle against men who want to make themselves look better while giving less, while women want to use conditions that reflect the character of men.” A woman can’t just give up on her preferences for men who participate in the game, as this can damage her children to make them less attractive.

It is possible that the love of the first male species began to change in tanager because they are looking for bright colors in search of food: This is known as a bird in the presence of fruitless fruit. “If a man has a real red spot, and a woman turns her head to a dye, then it will give her a chance,” says Dumbacher. “Vertebrates change the power of decoration. There are a variety of reasons why women may choose something. And as long as there is no big deal to favor this, it can change because women love it. ”

Biologists who teach evolution say that evolution is a fact. Or he should.

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