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Google has changed its advertising strategy after France offered a $ 267 million fine


Google said so he agreed pay € 220 million ($ 267 million) well and modify its advertising behavior competition officials in France discovered that they had misused their online business. Following the 2019 complaints of News Corp. by a French newspaper Le Figaro, France ruled that Google is prone to its advertising activities that could harm its competitors.

“The idea of ​​authorizing Google is important because it is the first in the world to address the challenges of online advertising,” said Isabelle de Silva, chief executive of Competitive Power. “This study … reveals how Google uses its top ranking sites on ad pages to help developers on both ad servers and SSPs [sell-side] platform. “

Mu blog post, Google explained how it plans to change its advertising rules by giving publishers “increased flexibility” by improving the interaction between its administrators and other advertising servers. “Furthermore, we also ensure that we do not prevent Ad Manager publishers from negotiating terms or prices directly with other marketing platforms.”

Google’s sales segment has been overseen by French authorities in the past. In 2019, supervisor stupid Google € 150 million ($ 167 million) of immersive advertising laws have unknowingly terminated the Google Ads account of a French company. Google has also met with regulators and publishers in the country using this tool thumbnails of what we find in his article section.

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