Business News

Get yourself a bullet magazine and sit on the couch as you wish


Last week it was Goldman Sachs. The Sabbath is a day of rest JPMorgan Chase. It would not be surprising if next week another Wall Street bank would tell employees to be ready to return to office as soon as June or July.

In areas where the epidemic is declining, it is beginning to reappear in the similarity of working life. Or is it?

I didn’t know how much Covid changed my social thinking until unsolicited email passed my spam filter the other day announcing the best way to manage time.

“Start a habit of waking up before dawn,” he lamented one who called himself a “master of fraud” from Silicon Valley.

After 2020, I would have hit the button gently and continued with the day. This has been my way of reaching almost any idea of ​​encouraging the harvest to come down.

The people I admire swear Bullet magazine, time-punching, chunking time and other items that promise to turn idle sloths, Solitaire lovers who use drugs into active forms of successful sloths. I have not been able to convince myself that anything is necessary to get rid of them, although I do contradict the principles of the Pomodoro Technique, where you set the time to promote the work all day.

Either way, the sight of Silicon Valley’s email caused an unexpected outburst. Who has time to think about time management in a situation like this, I have found myself breaking down mentally.

My working day just goes by in person at meetings and interviews, and it’s easier than others. I’m not trying to be rude to the kids or the kids at school, unlike their tired peers.

“I don’t know how I’m going to find time to heal this year,” who had a big job one day. Considering that we are all happy to continue working, it is not surprising that the yield seems to be rising in many businesses, including the ones that Covid sent people home to work.

More than 80% of leaders with remote emergency workers say their companies were as profitable as ever, a learning in Europe it was discovered last year. More than 40% said they were very profitable.

But that was 2020. With the outbreak this year, some are beginning to worry. “We are beginning to see a decline in employment. You can’t manage this kind of crop, “Sunil Prashara, head of the Project Management Institute, a team of experts, told a conference last month.

In other words, many employees need more than a bulletin board to help them deal with fatigue. That is why it is so sad to be told that now is the time to get up early in the morning to get food in our prime. Indeed, the Covid crisis has revealed a major flaw in our thinking that we can modify our harvesting process by changing our systems. Millions have experienced firsthand that a great change is needed – as everyone is being ordered to work immediately – to make things better.

Reducing my daily commute from a two-hour fast in the morning to a few seconds down to the kitchen table means I start working earlier, slower than before.

Once I get there, I don’t need to download any software to help deal with the disruptions of the open office, because the distractions are no more. As a US student Cal Newport pointed out in his recent book, World Without Email, a major waste of time caused by job email and a permanent plague which cannot be fixed by simply playing filters or writing better titles.

Like so many in modern technology, the problem requires a lot of adjustment beyond what one person can afford, even if they wake up early every morning.
Twitter: @alirezatalischioriginal


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