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Fox, ‘Rick & Morty’ develops blockchain plans and NFT animation


In a statement released Monday, Fox told advertisers about the new video series which depends on two buzzwords you’ve heard of without knowing it: blockchain and All online applications. Krapopolis, from the Community and Rick & Morty co-founder Dan Harmon, is a “fun joke made in ancient Greece” following the gods, humans and animals who try to get along.

Where crypto-buzz comes in a number of ways. Fox is launching its NFT company, Blockchain Creative Labs, along with the show “creating, selling and managing NFTs, tokens and digital items.” Thus, Krapopolis will be the first show to “lean completely on the blockchain.”

What exactly does this mean? Aside from representing the show’s popularity (assuming it follows Rick & Morty’s approach to sending fans chasing ins-ins), it’s also advertising. Hollywood journalist Fox CEO Charlie Collier tells advertisers that “the way we do this to support our videos, we will also help your business connect directly with fans and enthusiasts through NFTs. With you, Fox will help you become more creative.”

KRAPOPOLIS is a popular comedy written in ancient Greek mythology by Emmy Award-winning composer Dan Harmon (“Rick and Morty,” “Community”). Focused on the wrong family of people, gods and animals who try to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other. Owned by FOX Entertainment, the comedy is produced by his Emmy Award-winning studio, Bento Box Entertainment. In addition, KRAPOPOLIS will be the first fully-fledged blockchain series in Blockchain, with FOX and Bento Box entering the NFT business. The company is setting up an independent KRAPOPOLIS market that will sell and sell digital products, ranging from certain NFTs and background graphics and GIFs, as well as tokens that offer unique experiences to engage and pay high profile fans.

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