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Fatal Frame is coming back, but like a pachinko machine


Seven years after the most recent Fatal Frame game, the beloved list of beloved survivors returns. But there is a distortion. You will not be able to play the latest formats on a contractor, PC or phone. Instead, to prepare for the new Fatal Frame, you must travel to Japan pachinko Parlor sometime later.

The caravan that appeared Kotaku provides an overview of some of the tricks that players may experience while playing the pachinko machine. Appropriate warning: there are some jumps ahead.

The Fatal Frame series debuted on PlayStation 2 in 2001, bringing a new look to the horror genre. Your only weapon against monsters is a camera. There have been no new games in the series since 2014 Mango Killer: Black Water Girl. Has it been a long time since the revival was legal, but as a screening machine? This is probably not what most fans had in mind.

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