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Facebook testing warns users who may have seen ‘dangerous malware’


Facebook is experimenting with new ways to reach potential users with potentially “dangerous” Intermediate messages, which Facebook has proven to be a test, directing users to things that are aimed at dealing with threats.

CNN first new promotions, which have seen Twitter users in recent days. One type is made for people who may know that someone is doing dangerous things. “You’re worried that someone you know is going to overreact,” it reads.

Other information appears to alert users who may have encountered threats on the platform. He says: “Violent mobs are trying to hurt you and make you feel bad. “Now you can take action to protect yourself and others.”

Facebook spokesman Andy Stone this message is “part of the ongoing work of the Redirect Initiative.” The project is part of Facebook’s hard-fought anti-terrorism platform groups such as Life After Hate, which help people quit dangerous groups. The result will send users to Life After Hate or other items, depending on CNN.

It is not clear how Facebook knows who will be affected by the disaster, but the issue has become a hot topic on Facebook. The company was not doing enough to prevent QAnon and other side groups from using its platform to expand their compliance. Facebook also accused him of defaming his role in supporting the January 6 incident. And when the Oversight Board urged the company to investigate the matter, a Investigations should remain in the hands of law enforcement and elected officials.

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