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Epic vs Apple trial reveals the cost of free and ‘free’ games


The program of a court case between Apple and Epic Games has begun, and in the past this approach has revealed much of what these companies usually do next to clothing. One of the things Epic pays publishers to offer is their game PC game store. In exchange for donations that allow gamers to create accounts and place the app (formerly, hopefully, insisting on paying more) the company pays tens of thousands or even millions of those freebies.

DiscoverCo’s games Simon Carless analyzed the text (which you can see for yourself Pano) to get a list that has mentioned the many offerings from the Epic Games Store for about nine months of writing 2018 and 2019.

In the end, Epic paid for Warner Bros. $ 1.5 million to donate to the Batman Arkham Collection, of which about 6.5 million people took it. According to Epic’s calculations, the upgrade entered 613,912 new accounts meaning it paid $ 2.44 cents per user – not a bad one. Subnautica is the first Epic game that has been released, and uses the most users 804,000 vs. purchase price of $ 1.4 million.

Another Carless notes show reveals the cost of making the game in the Epic store on PC. Because Border areas 3, Epic paid $ 146 million to upgrade, paying $ 80 million plus advertising, advertising and subscriptions. According to an Epic article, it also took $ 80 million in the first two weeks of its existence, with more than 1.56 million players of whom more than half were new to the Epic Games Store.

About dug up these revealing drawings Four men took over $ 9 billion in Epic profits in 2018 and 2019, while CEO Tim Sweeney seer He said it had raised $ 5.1 billion in 2020. The case is just beginning, and once the dispute is over who is responsible for how the programs are distributed, and how the division should be based on revenue sharing between developers and developers, there will be more outside than previously thought. money flows in the entire market.

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