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Disney’s new partnership with Sony will add Spider-Man to Disney +


A few weeks ago, Sony Pictures has closed a deal with Netflix on the freedom of search publishing on its pages since 2022 as well as list titles and other new developments to create. Now Disney he has also announced licensing agreement with Sony Photographers for theatrical nominations from 2022 – 2026, as well as the number of its oldest novels.

So what’s going on? The Netflix subsidiary grants exclusive rights to the US during the time the video is released and on Blu-ray / video, about nine months after the release of the show. The Disney deal will start later, in a window where movies are often on TV or radio commercials (such as Deadline he says, this agreement follows exactly what Sony had with which is now Disney network FX).

In addition to the new movies, the association also offers free streaming of adult movies including Spider-Man videos that were missing in the MCU on Disney + and moved to Spider-Verse (the end of Netflix ending). Aside from Disney + and various corporate networks, this also includes Hulu and the press release will add “more book titles” starting in June.

There is no word on money laundering, but Sony Pictures CEO Keith Le Goy said in a statement: “The agreement strengthens our small video distribution platform, and raises the cost of all our videos, making consumer access to all windows available. they have different boyfriends. “

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