DHS confirms new safety regulations for plumbing companies
, a department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) printed privacy protection laws for plumbing companies. Under the guidance of security, owners of critical plumbing and operators should appoint a long-term safety guide. They should also report cyber security incidents, including certainty and probability, to the Cybersecurity and Infource Security Agency (CISA).
In addition, owners of complex pipelines and those who will be using them will need to evaluate their current safety measures, and identify weaknesses and evaluate what they want to do to address the risks. They will have 30 days to report their findings to TSA and CISA. This is not all, as the TSA is considering other guidelines.
Pipe safety has been on the rise in recent weeks, accordingly on Colonial Pipes. The company suspended oil and diesel shipments earlier this month when his payment methods were disrupted. This caused oil shortages in some areas.
“Cyber security is constantly evolving and we need to adapt to new emerging threats,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas said in a statement. “Recent damage to the main oil pipeline demonstrates that pipeline security is of paramount importance to our country. DHS will continue to work with our partners to support their operations and increase the resilience of the country’s most important weapons.”
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