Business News

Developing countries have signed Huawei agreements despite warnings in the US


U.S. warnings about Huawei spying fail to prevent governments in Africa, Asia and Latin America from hiring China’s expertise in cloud services and e-government services, research has found.

The CSIS report of the Washington tank published by the Financial Times has identified 70 of the 41 countries’ agreements between Huawei and governments or state-owned enterprises in this regard from 2006 to April this year.

Cloud architecture often refers to the establishment of a data center, while e-government also involves services such as licensing, health, legal documents and other governmental processes.

“Huawei’s cloud services and e-government services handle public health information, taxes, and legal documents,” according to the study.

“As Huawei works to provide governments and state-owned enterprises, it is creating a better environment that can give Chinese officials valuable valuable knowledge and oppression,” the study added.

Most of the participating countries are those in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America, and 77% of them have fallen into the “free” or “slightly liberated” groups, such as Freedom House, of the US-funded democratic watchdog.

“With the number of agreements announced since 2018, including several announcements in 2020, it is clear that Huawei’s warnings do not attract decision makers in developing countries,” a CSIS report, written by Jonathan Hillman and Maesea McCalpin, said.

“As a developer and supporter, Huawei does not own or manage anything related to customers,” Huawei said in a statement.

“All customers are the ones who have their own customers and they are completely in control.”

“Internet security and user privacy protection remains at the forefront of Huawei,” the company added.

The US has repeatedly criticized Huawei to spy on the Chinese government, sometimes using telecoms “back doors” in its equipment. Washington has re-established Huawei and its allies on “sales list”, Prohibit the sale of complex technologies such as semiconductors to the company.

China has repeatedly denied the allegations and accused the US of “using force” in imposing sanctions on Huawei. China’s leader, the world’s largest mobile phone maker, deserves it cut making smartphones due to food shortages.

The CSIS report cited several examples of security breaches linked to Huawei’s cloud architecture and e-government services. A 65-page report received by the Australian government found that Huawei’s data center developed in Papua New Guinea is owned by wrong which would put the site at risk of hacks.

Huawei also won an agreement to establish connections within the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa in 2012. African Union officials later accusing China running the house computers every night for five years and downloading secrets.

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© Financial Times

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