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Creating a new future for the hybrid of work


Doubts about how productive employees can be if they work from home are also damaged. An April 2021 Lessons from the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago reviewed the plans for covid-affected companies and found that yields would increase by 5% in the US economy. And a December 2020 PwC survey found that 34% of workers were said to be more profitable than before the epidemic, while more than half of workers said the number of workers had risen.

Now, the chaos is taking place in a mixed way: while some organizations are forcing employees to return to office on a regular basis, many are planning new ones while employees spend several days in the office and some days working remotely, and combining real-to-person meetings with partnerships. . CNBC survey Social, economic, and technical analysts predict that less than half of companies will use a mixed brand in the second half of 2021.

“I see mixed work as one of the things companies must do well,” said Deniz Caglar, chief executive of PwC’s US Organization strategy practice. “We need to redefine how we can work together and if we don’t have a well-mixed brand, the company will not be profitable. And in some industries, even a 1 or 2 percent change in yields can make a big difference.”

All of this is happening in businesses where more workers want to continue the transition after the epidemic. According to The Future of Accenture Work Study 2021For example, 83% of employees prefer a mixed type of employee. And companies are listening: they know the decisions that organizations are making now are important, especially as they rush to attract and retain talent in a competitive market.

“When companies are preparing to start hosting people in the office, they need to be aware of the needs of employees and incentives in the workplace and how they have changed and adapted,” says Jeff Wong, EY’s global director. “Companies want to attract and retain the best people, but almost everyone says they want something different from what they already have.”

Organizations around the world are battling this challenge, trying to put in place appropriate mechanisms, new technologies, and administrative support to help them achieve this momentous momentum.

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